I enjoy focusing my passions on solving real-world problems.
YouTube Anywhere Remote
YouTube Anywhere Remote

YouTube Anywhere Remote is an open-source Chrome extension I developed to control courses on YouTube, Udemy, and Amigoscode from within any code editor, IDE, or other program.

The purpose was to eliminate the need to switch back and forth between the course content and code editor or IDE while studying.

The project is now growing to include a small team of developers working to futher enhance consistency across various websites and overall functionality.

GitHub Repository
Korean Discord App
Discord App

This is a Discord Bot I developed to manage and facilitate exercises for a Korean Language Educational Community I started with a user-base of 4,000 users.

Some of the features include: user-authorization through Discord's API, an expletive filter, and Korean typing and translation exercises.

Recently a small team of great developers from the community have come together. They've been an absolute pleasure to work with maintaining the code-base and meeting to discuss ways to implement new language-exercise features.

GitHub Repository